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EDIT: The order of swkotor.ini appears to be different from that of swkotor2.ini (which I was looking at when I wrote this), but for the most part they share the same groups of functions. Sorry for any confusion. First are the Display Options. You really shouldn't touch these unless you know what you're doing. 星球大战之共和国武士2 轩辕汉化组汉化补丁v2.1 星球大战之共和国武士2 轩辕汉化组汉化补丁v1.7 星球大战之共和国武士2 官方百科全书 星球大战之共和国武士2 存档修改器v3.3.5 星球大战之共和国武士2 存档修改器v3.3.3 星球大战之共和国武士2 轩辕汉化组汉化补丁v1.2 2. 下载我放在百度盘文件夹中的所有文件. 3. 把宽屏补丁中的UNIWS解压到桌面上某个新文件夹中,然后把“widescreen.exe”里的文件解压到游戏根目录,并替换 (搬者注:替换的是swkotor2.exe,3DM免费版或硬盘版无需替换) 4. 太平洋软件下载中心文本编辑频道,为您提供ini文件编辑器(IniEditor)官方下载、ini文件编辑器(IniEditor)最新版等文本编辑软件下载。更多ini文件编辑器

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PC: To enable cheats on PC, open the file swkotor2.ini, which is located in the game's main folder. This is usually in C:\[your game directory]\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II Under [Game Options] add the code EnableCheats=1, and save. 我们收集了众多网友经常出现的问题,点击浏览:[下载帮助]! 如果下载的时候提示 "Service Unavailable" ?请务必使用 迅雷 下载本站游戏!; 提供 星球大战旧共和国武士2宽屏补丁 中文版,保证完全无毒病,请大家放心下载.; 本站仅创建用户沟通交流的平台,所展示的游戏资源内容均来自于用户上传分享 Cheat Codes Find the file called "swkotor2.ini" in your Knights of the Old Republic game folder.Edit the file with Notepad and under the line [Game Options] add the following line: EnableCheats=1 While playing, press ` (below tilde) and [ENTER] or [SPACE] to activate the console then type any of the following cheat codes followed by [ENTER] (may need to use ENTER on the num pad): swkotor.ini - original dll file, download here. One click to download this file. Repair your system. Hey guys I recently beat the game and was looking to just screw around and decided to activate cheats. I usually don't have a problem or need to ask questions in order to do this but this time I've searched my whole damn computer and there is no lucasarts file folder, no swkotor folders and it's strange because I have saved files somewhere because many of my previous saves are still accessible. For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled ""swkotor2.ini" file".

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我们网站的这个页面提供了我们的下载数据库中以"T" 开头的所有INI (Settings) 文件的完整列表。以"T" 开头的所有INI 文件均包括于此列表中。立即访问并下载以"T"  I may have misplaced what the file was supposed to look like and this is messing up my startup. If omebody could just copy and paste what the  在你的游戏目录下,比如C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR,然后找到swkotor.ini这个文件,用记事本等软件打开它,在“ [Game Options] ”下面加一条  找到swkotor2.ini这个文件,用记事本打开, 把文本中两 共和国的相关内容,希望在游戏中对您有所帮助,下载ourplay了解更多的游戏资讯。

What does the original swkotor2.ini file look like? :: STAR ...


For Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic on the PC, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Swkotor.ini problem.?". Hello! Not sure if this is where Im supposed to post this, so I apologize if this isnt the correct place. I have a few questions about the swkotor.ini file. On another website I saw that someone had changed their KOTOR 2 swkotor2.ini Number 2D Voices=64 and Number 3D voices 57 to improve quality


Players control a party of characters using a third-person perspective. Battles are fought using a real-time/turn-based hybrid system. Players can recruit different characters into their party depending on decisions they make during the game. The main .ini files swkotor2.ini and swplayer.ini can be found in your \Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ directory and contain the bulk of the performance-related options for KOTOR 2. Details of the major tweaks in each file are covered below, however note that settings which can be easily and completely adjusted using the in-game settings are not covered below. 星球大战旧共和国武士2是一个arpg角色扮演类的游戏,主要乐趣是玩剧情和自己收集道具,打造各种光剑武器。本作由黑曜石工作室和卢卡斯工作室合作打造,为玩家带来一个关于绝地武士与西斯战士的故事,高度完善的rpg系统和精彩的故事剧情让玩家沉浸在星战正传几千年前的旧共和国世界中。 星球大战之共和国武士2未加密版是一款角色扮演类型的系列游戏。游戏以第一人称的视角,对决各类精英boss,还可以和全服的玩家进行更多丰富的射击挑战。感兴趣的玩家朋友快来52z飞翔下载体验吧!游戏背景《星际大战:旧共和国武士》为电影《星际大战》三部曲之前4000年的 Plik swkotor2.ini na koncie użytkownika Jedrz • folder Oryginalne pliki z rozdzielczości 1024x768 • Data dodania: 28 wrz 2013 First, go to your game directory and open the swkotor2.ini game file. This is the file you’ll edit, so open it in a text editor. You will add the text “EnableCheats=1” at the bottom of the Game Options setting and then save the file. Using Cheats. 期待很久的星球大战旧共和国武士2汉化版终于在今天早上新鲜出炉啦,可惜的是,汉化版如果全屏运行,就会出现切换回桌面或修改分辨率后乱码的问题,所以小编在这里强烈推荐大家一定要使用窗口化模式运行,下面是详细的窗口化设置方法。

For Kotor 2, Open the following file “swkotor2.ini” with notepad . Once opened, scroll down about 40 lines and find the line that says “[Game Options]” . Add a new line below the “[Game Options]” line and type the following . EnableCheats=1 . Go in the main directory of the game and open the file swkotor2.ini with an editor. In [Game Options] add a line EnableCheats=1 Save and start the game. I In order to access the console, (which is used only for cheats which are not officially supported) you have to edit the swkotor2.ini file. Open up the swkotor.ini file in Notepad. In the section under [Game Options], add the line "EnableCheats=1" under the last line of that section that reads "Disable Movies=0". Save the file. i tried to enable cheats for kotor 2 but it wont work i made the correct ajustments to the swkotor2.ini file on windows 7 can someone tell me y. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question (3) Subscribe 28/3/2021 · The Steam version has by default the wrong syntax in the swkotor2.ini for enabling this OpenGL method for storing vertex data in video memory. Go to the installation folder. Locate file swkotor2.ini; Edit and change DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 under "[Graphics Options]" to Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 PC: To enable cheats on PC, open the file swkotor2.ini, which is located in the game's main folder. This is usually in C:\[your game directory]\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II Under [Game Options] add the code EnableCheats=1, and save. 13/12/2019 · herecomethe2000: In contrast, I edited GoG's .exe with the UniWS patcher available at the wsgf.org site. edited the swkotor2.ini with my display settings and downloaded the appropriate HUD file for the override folder (16:10 for me with 1680x1050) and everything (including swoop racing) works just fine in the high resoultion! (I'm running it in a crossover wineskin engine on my mac though)

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