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The Super Dynamic (SD)triggers have the same body geometry as the SSA models and feature a flat trigger shoe that reduces perceived pull weight, improves control, and gives excellent tactile feedback.Super Dynamic Combat (SD-C) trigger has a 2.5 lb. first stage and a 2 lb. second stage for a 4.5 lb total pull weight with a sharp, repeatable trigger release. 网卡驱动下载频道为您提供各大品牌官方网卡驱动程序的下载,以及相关的网卡驱动安装教程等内容,让您更快速的找到并 安全提示: 交易中请勿使用阿里旺旺以外的聊天工具沟通,不要接收可疑文件和不要点击不明来源的链接,支付前核实好域名和支付详情。淘宝不会以订单有问题,让您提供任何银行卡、密码、手机验证码!遇到可疑情况可在钱盾“诈骗举报”中进行举报, 安全推荐 The SDC 1582 650 lbs holding force magnetic lock includes field upgradeable outputs and servicing without removing from the door frame. EMLocks are adaptable to virtually any application utilizing Top Jamb or Glass Door Mounting Kits. Promo “LOCKS” to save 3%.
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